What advice would you give your teenage self?
To celebrate World Mental Health Day, we asked some RXers to share the advice they would give their teenage selves, drawing on their subsequent life experiences.

You are allowed to not succeed. Not succeeding doesn’t mean failure. I didn’t graduate from college with a math degree like I thought I would. Instead, I got to spend my evenings (and very early mornings) working for the student newspaper, making lifelong friends, and eventually graduating with a comms degree, something that aligned a lot more closely with my interests. I started my career as a photojournalist and while I no longer work in that field, I learned so many things that I still use today. Success and failure aren’t the most important things, learning and growing are.
Amar Batra, Content Manager, USA

Take your time and live it through. You’ll age, the same as everyone else. There’s nothing you can do about passing time, but what you fill your time with is absolutely, irrevocably up to you. So, relish every moment.
Cynthia Ebesate, Operations Supervisor, UK

Meditate daily. It is a life changing practice that has made me more aware of my inner voice and positively changed my way of handling business.
Mai Ismail, Senior Manager, Abu Dhabi

Follow your intuition; I promise it will lead you to your authentic and whole self. As a teenager, I was weighted with processing both my sexuality and a hearing disability. I navigated these long days alone and with shame. It was tough for me to see that I could be both gay and have hearing challenges. The power of visibility and the idea of intersectionality were not present at the time, let alone valued. I had no framework of how a person like me could be authentically successful. But I did have a small sense of intuition; a little light that guided me toward my best self. Each time I followed that light, I thrived, and when I ignored it, I was less than confident. It took me until adulthood to truly understand the power of following intuition. Today, when I feel as though I am in the dark, stuck, or alone, I look for intuition to lead me to the next step.
Keith Davis, Sales Manager, USA

You will be fine girl! It's not easy being a teenager but you are already a strong woman, so stop doubting yourself. You can do whatever you want. Sometimes life (or people) will be tough on you, but you have the power to transform this into fuel to grow. You will do this with the help of amazing people that will cross your life. Studying is hard but keep going. It will pay off. Just don't forget to have fun too.
That woman you keep arguing with will soon become the one you most admire in this world. Yes, your mum. That man you call dad and love so much will continue to give you the best hug ever. By the way, you are beautiful. You have always been.
Caroline Goes, Head of Data Products and Digital Data, Brazil

One of my high school teachers told me “Today, not tomorrow!”. I’ve been applying this sentence since then. Time is the most precious thing you own so it’s better not to waste a single minute of it.
Morgane Morice, Chief Marketing & Digital Officer, France

Always be curious and keep learning. Recently, I have been researching insects with my 5-year-old son. My child teaches me that there are still many things I do not know about subjects I was not interested in as a child.
Ai Momoi, Sales Director, Japan

Be bold and use your voice (and give up smoking!) I knew I was gay when I was a teenager and even growing up in the 90s, I was sometimes afraid to speak for fear of being judged or identified as a gay man. Now I can’t shut up and am pleased to be part of a company that values and celebrates what I have to say, not least as the Event Director of PROUD Experiences. If only I’d known then.
Simon Mayle, Events Director, Americas

When I was younger, I was extremely shy. It prevented me from doing things at different stages of my life, as I was unsure how to deal with certain situations, particularly those involving lots of people. Over time I came to realise that I was an introvert and that it was okay to be like that. Many people at RX helped me to this understanding and showed me that it was ok be myself! If I could go back in time to give myself some advice it would be this – ‘be yourself and you will be fine.’ Every person is different and that is what helps us to make such special and unforgettable relationships throughout our lives.
Milena Bombonatti, Digital Marketing Manager, Brazil

Always be you. Embrace all the weird and wonderful things that make you a fantastic individual. When all your friends are wearing heels, rock those Doc Martens with no shame because they will eventually become a staple part of your personality!
Katie King, Global Junior Social Media and Content Manager, UK