
Press Releases

Fenasucro & Agrocana neutralizes CO₂ emissions in partnership with Canaoeste

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Fenasucro & Agrocana neutralizes CO₂ emissions in partnership with Canaoeste

The bioenergy production chain plays a key role in mitigating the impacts from the increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere

Proving in practice that sustainability is one of its pillars, Fenasucro & Agrocana – a world reference in professional development, networking and business generation in the bioenergy sector – has entered into an important partnership with Canaoeste (Sugarcane Growers Association of the West of the State of São Paulo). Under the CanaoesteGREEN Program, carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions in the common areas of the fair – which will be held in Sertãozinho/SP from August 13 to 16 – will be neutralized.

This pioneering initiative is aligned with the mission of RX Brasil, responsible for organizing and promoting the event, which has been working to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 and reach net zero by 2040.

“We know that the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, mainly carbon dioxide (CO₂), has accelerated global warming. Climate change represents one of the greatest challenges of our time, impacting different ecosystems and, consequently, the economy and society. Mitigating these effects should be everyone’s commitment,” says Paulo Montabone, the director of Fenasucro & Agrocana. “The bioenergy production chain plays a key role in achieving good results towards a more lasting, sustainable and promising future,” he emphasizes.

Carbon neutralization
The neutralization mechanism works as follows: the gases released in the atmosphere by the fair's common areas will be calculated automatically on a digital platform developed by the partner GMG Ambiental and offset by means of credits generated by producers associated with Canaoeste, who adopt ecological practices and are responsible for preserving and maintaining the native vegetation areas on their properties.

“The calculations of emissions will be analyzed based on Scope 01 and Scope 02, initially. The sources for this protocol were the waste generated from the assembly and disassembly of the stands, for example: wood, fabric, hardware, tarps (plastics) and paper. Finally, there is the energy consumption of each stand, the fuel for employee transportation to assemble and disassemble the stands and the days worked during the fair,” explains Almir Torcato, executive manager of Canaoeste.

Exhibitors will have access to a calculator to measure the emissions from their stands and can participate in the neutralization program.

“We will be providing the opportunity for fair participants to participate in a practical way to reduce carbon emissions through CanaoesteGREEN, which values the efforts of our producers to act sustainably in preserving the environment in sugarcane plantations. The participation of exhibitors in the program shows that promoting sustainability is an action that is within everyone’s reach,” Torcato observes.

This year, Canaoeste is also sponsoring the Sustainability Arena at the 30th edition of Fenasucro & Agrocana, an exclusive space where the abbreviation ESG is the protagonist and which will feature a program full of relevant content for the sector.

Online registration for the 30th edition of Fenasucro & Agrocana is now open for visitors, press and advisors on the website www.fenasucro.com.br 
About Fenasucro & Agrocana
Fenasucro & Agrocana (World Bioenergy Trade Show) will hold its 30th edition from August 13 to 16 at the Zanini Events Center in Sertãozinho (SP). The event, organized and promoted by RX Brasil, has the exclusive official support of CEISE Br and is the only event in the world exclusively focused on the entire bioenergy production chain. Every year, it brings together thousands of professionals from mills, the food and beverage industry, paper and cellulose, transportation and logistics, and the energy distribution and commercialization sectors in Brazil and 53 countries around the world.
RX is a global leader in events and exhibitions, leveraging industry expertise, data, and technology to build businesses for individuals, communities, and organisations. With a presence in 25 countries across 42 industry sectors, RX hosts approximately 350 events annually. RX is committed to creating an inclusive work environment for all our people.  RX empowers businesses to thrive by leveraging data-driven insights and digital solutions. RX is part of RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. For more information, visit www.rxglobal.com. 

About RELX
RELX is a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. RELX serves customers in more than 180 countries and has offices in about 40 countries. It employs more than 36,000 people over 40% of whom are in North America. The shares of RELX PLC, the parent company, are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York stock exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX.

*Note: Current market capitalisation can be found at http://www.relx.com/investors
About CEISE Br
CEISE Br (National Center for the Sugarcane and Biofuel Industries) is a prominent organization in the Brazilian political and institutional scenario, dedicated to representing and promoting the interests of industries operating in the bioenergy chain.

With over four decades of history and headquartered in Sertãozinho/SP, the main hub for the development of industrial technologies for the sector, CEISE Br has become an influential voice for promoting and articulating policies that directly impact the production, regulation and competitiveness of the sugarcane and biofuel industries in Brazil.

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