Colleqt QR
How Colleqt QR makes trade shows more productive for all

With the introduction of Colleqt QR at RX events, RX has made attendance more productive for visitors, whilst enabling exhibitors to capture the details of attendees they are unable to engage with at show, ensuring they never miss a lead.

RX events use digital and data solutions to help exhibitors at our events build their businesses more effectively. Five years ago, we introduced our ‘Emperia’ Lead Manager app, which enables exhibitors to collect and qualify sales leads by simply scanning the badges of attendees. This was followed in 2022 by ‘Exhibitor Dashboard’, which, by consolidating all their leads in one place, gives our exhibitors a data driven approach to measuring and improving their event performance. Now we have turned our attention to our event attendees, making it possible for them to capture and process all the exhibitor, sponsor and product information they are interested in, quickly and sustainably, on their mobile phones.
“One of the major pain points for visitors to trade shows is remembering who you met, finding their contact details a week later, and sharing with colleagues all the cool new product ideas you found at the event. Traditionally visitors left our events laden down with tote bags full of business cards, brochures, and samples. Colleqt was born from the insight that some recent steps forward in digital technology could help to solve this problem, making collecting exhibitor and product information from our events more efficient, more reliable, more sustainable, and easier to share with colleagues.”
Several big tech changes have happened in recent years, that have helped to shift the paradigm. For example, event visitors are now equipped with smart phones and are well versed in scanning QR codes. And exhibition venues have improved wi-fi and cellular connectivity, which means visitors can be online all the time during their event visit.
With Colleqt QR, visitors can capture information about RX exhibitors, sponsors, and their products simply by scanning Colleqt QR codes at exhibitor booths and at product feature zones with their mobile phones. In place of brochure-laden bags and random mobile snapshots, they now get immediate access to the valuable information via their phones. They also receive a personalised email at the end of each day, listing all the exhibitors and products they scanned, with clickable links to contacts for follow-up.

But there’s more. As visitors scan Colleqt QR codes, their contact details and other registration information is seamlessly provided to exhibitors. This creates a win-win – visitors enjoy an easy and consistent way to get the information they want, and exhibitors secure additional new leads they might otherwise have missed.
“By using Colleqt QR, in tandem with our Emperia Lead Manager app, exhibitors need never miss a lead. Trade shows attract thousands of buyers, and even with the best will in the world, there is never enough time to engage with every attendee on your stand. Now, by giving attendees the ability to independently scan Colleqt QR codes for your product information, ‘the ones that got away’ become accessible leads you can reach out to after the show. Our vision is that every Colleqt QR code at show is a digital lead touchpoint."
Colleqt QR and Emperia leads feed seamlessly into Exhibitor Dashboard, enabling RX exhibitors to consolidate all their leads in one place for easy lead retrieval, follow up, and analysis. By reducing the need for printed materials at our trade shows the tools save exhibitors’ money. They also offer a sustainable alternative that reduces waste, supporting RX’s commitment to Net Zero.
For RX too, Colleqt QR offers valuable insights into our customers. “By giving us clearer insight into our attendees' interests, we can not only add value to their event experience, but also shape our events to meet their needs,” added Jamie.

Colleqt QR was piloted at 11 RX events in 2023, including Arabian Travel Market (ATM) in Dubai which welcomed more than 30,000 attendees – a new show record.
“Arabian Travel Market really helped our business” said ATM exhibitor Adela Driesen, Smart Visit Dubai. “We had a lot of buyers scanning our Colleqt QR codes. It meant we didn’t miss leads when we were busy in meetings. And we can follow-up with them later and start discussions. The majority were brand new leads I hadn’t met before. It was awesome!”
“The Colleqt QR codes have become really valuable” agreed Omar Altamimi, Pixoul Gaming, Abu Dhabi stand, ATM 2023. “We were asking everyone to scan us, and it sent our information to the buyers automatically. It’s a huge load off my back to have these digitally instead of business cards. It makes life easier for any visitor or exhibitor – it’s amazing.”

A complete set of digital business building solutions

As rollout gathers pace, more and more RX exhibitors are experiencing the benefits of RX’s digital business building solutions. The Emperia Lead Manager app is proving so popular that over half of exhibitors across all our face to face events are now using it. For some of our leading events, including ISC West and Interphex, adoption rates reached 100%!
Using Colleqt QR codes in tandem with Emperia Lead Manager and the Exhibitor Dashboard, enables RX exhibitors to connect and qualify more business prospects at our events, and to justify and improve their return on investment based on reliable data.
“We have to prove the event is bringing business and it’s a big step up to have the Colleqt QR codes and Emperia lead app,“ said Delphine Hermann, Head of Travel Unit Marketing Middle East for Amadeus, which generated 736 leads at ATM 2023 ̶ 553 by scanning badges with the Emperia Lead Manager app, and an additional 183 from visitors who scanned their Colleqt QR codes. “We use the custom questions on the Emperia app to qualify the leads, which is much easier than business cards, and follow up is much faster, plus it’s targeted.”
“The digital products are very helpful; everything is made much easier and faster” agreed Igor da Lamas, Director & Founder, Bali Aero Travel, ATM 2023. “It helps me be focused at the event; we used to go looking for buyers and now they come to us. We love the sustainable approach of going paperless with Colleqt QR codes. I like the lead app as I don’t need to keep business cards in my pocket. I have it all on my phone. The Dashboard is very important for me to understand how many people come to my stand and what they are interested in. The referrals helped me to achieve 300% growth in my social channels. ATM is very attentive to my business.”