24 Feb 2023 | DIVA

Employees at LexisNexis Risk Solutions and RX discuss the importance of acknowledging LGBTQIA histories in the workplace

LGBTQIA history is too often erased or glanced over, and young queer people across generations have grown up without the knowledge of who has come before them. Despite the lack of visibility in schoolbooks, LGBTQIA people have always existed, and have been pioneers across the ages, as well as instrumental in pushing for better rights for all. 

Knowing our history also means we are better equipped to create inclusive and equal spaces today. This is one of the reasons both LexisNexis Risk Solutions and RX are steadfast on marking LGBT+ History Month, and myGwork spoke to a few of their team members to find out exactly what the month means to them and how educating ourselves on LGBTQIA history can make for better workplaces where everyone feels comfortable showing up as themselves.