Our $1Million commitment to racial equity - 3 years on

In January 2021, RX pledged $1M over five years to select not-for-profit partners around the world who are working to improve inclusivity and diversity in their local communities. We introduce our latest partner, Rev’Elles, in France, and catch up with six of our other partners in Brazil, South Africa, the UK, USA and Australia to find out how our ongoing funding is enabling them to build on their vital work promoting and supporting racial equity.
Rêv’Elles – helping young women to achieve their dreams
Based in Paris and Lyon, Rêv’Elles offers educational programs to support young girls and women from underprivileged neighborhoods. Since 2013, the program has inspired and motivated more than 4,000 young girls and women aged 14 to 20 to pursue fulfilling careers by helping them break through social and gender glass ceilings and become the driving forces of social change themselves.
"Equal opportunities come through equality of dreams. For Rêv’Elles, every young girl, regardless of her social background, should have the ability to dream, choose, and take ownership of her own life, fully informed” the organization explained.
In 2024, RX funding will enable 180 young women between the ages of 14 and 20 to benefit from Rev’Elles flagship program, ‘RVL Your Potential’, a five-day program held during school holidays, led by professional coaches and centered around experiential learning and group activities. Participants will build self-confidence, learn more about themselves, become acquainted with the business world, and meet inspiring role models who will share their experiences and provide guidance. They will also have the opportunity to meet RXers at Rev’Elles events throughout the year, and to visit our Paris office to experience the world of event organising at first hand.
18Twenty8 – empowering young women in South Africa
18twenty8 is an award-winning, women-led, non-profit organisation that empowers young women in marginalized communities through education, bursaries, and mentorship.
By funding the higher education costs of young women at accredited institutions across South Africa, including their laptops, tuition fees, accommodation and living allowances, 18twenty8 enables its beneficiaries to focus on their studies without worrying about financial challenges, and helps them to start their careers without the burden of student loan debt.
Through RX’s support over the last three years, three young women have successfully completed their studies and gone on to full time employment or postgraduate studies. 18twenty8’s partnership with RX has also included two invitations to present their work to RXers around the world by participating in our Global Race Forum in December 2021 and February 2023. In 2024, RX’s funding will be allocated to three young women, of whom two will start their first year of their studies in 2024, and one will undertake postgraduate studies in psychology.
Reflecting on our partnership, 18twenty8’s founder Refiloe Seseane said: “We are honoured to be part of the RX family and are grateful to have such a committed, and generous, co-creator for our vision of a South Africa in which girls are educated and empowered to lead. Thank you, RX!
ADUS Institute – supporting Brazilian refugee integration
The Instituto Adus in Sao Paulo supports refugees and victims of forced migration to reduce the obstacles they face and help them integrate into Brazilian society. The institute offers Portuguese classes, access to professional qualification courses, and help to enter the job market.
In 2023, RX support helped to fund Portuguese classes for immigrants. It also generated income and employment for immigrant professionals by funding the provision of English language classes for RX employees. RX’s donation paid for the immigrant teachers’ services, travel, and training.
“Relying on support from the private sector is essential for us to continue and develop our work” said Marcelo Haydu, CEO. “Thanks to an increase in RX funding in 2024 we will be able, in addition to maintaining English classes for RX employees, to support our Portuguese teaching program, a crucial point so that immigrants can have more effective tools for socialization and employment. In a country where the number of immigrants seeking refuge is increasing, and funding for institutions that support refugees remains scarce, the continued support of RX it is a breath of hope for all of us.”
GO Foundation ‒ empowering indigenous young people through education
The aim of the Goodes O'Loughlin Foundation (GO Foundation) in Australia is to empower through education, by supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students on their education journey from primary school through to university.
GO scholarships provide opportunities for students to learn about their cultural heritage and offer financial support and mentoring to remove any barriers to education that indigenous students face. Research shows a strong link between cultural identity and successful educational outcomes; in particular, the presence of role models is vital to driving engagement in learning and enrolment in further education.
GO celebrated a great milestone at the start of 2023 with the award of its 1000th scholarship. And with RX’s support, the foundation increased its capacity to deliver more opportunities for more scholars in 2023. They were also able to deliver a new programme of Year 5 and 6 Leadership Days, to engage and inspire young students in the challenging transition from primary to high school; and to formally launch their Alumni Network with a series of events where Alumni could come together to share their stories, ensuring that GO students have access to inspiring Aboriginal role models.
“RX have helped GO build on our success over the past 12 months. Your belief in ensuring that children everywhere have access to a high-quality education is so greatly appreciated” said Catherine Gunning, Partnerships and Fundraising Manager. “Thank you for your continued support in 2024. As a small organisation, we rely on the time and generosity of people like you to help us deliver on our mission. Without your support, we could not be looking forward to another wonderful year.”
Heritage Corner, UK – celebrating diversity through creative collaboration
Leeds-based Heritage Corner is committed to uncovering, sharing, and celebrating the hidden narratives of African history and our shared humanity in the UK. The small arts organisation blends creativity with history to deliver anti-racism and diversity training and arts projects.
Since 2021, RX’s donations have helped the Heritage Corner team to expose and share uplifting stories around Black History, expanding audiences for their flagship ‘Leeds Black History Walk’. RX also funded the first Black British History Walk at Harewood House in Yorkshire which interweaves the story of the stately home, it’s wealth and close family ties to the British throne with the difficult subject of slave plantation wealth.
In 2023, RX donations helped to train two young people in project development and financial planning, leading to the establishment of Heritage Crew, a Community Interest Company which empowers young people to celebrate and share their creative skills.
Heritage Crew wasted no time in teaming up with students from the University of Leeds to provide creative responses to the student's research into West African literature. They also selected icons for a presentation that Heritage Corner delivered to RX for the UK's Black History Month in October. Their next project runs into 2024 and will explore African connections to Yorkshire's textile industry, disseminating historic narratives of a shared heritage.
Funding from RX has also continued to help Heritage Corner reach more diverse groups and organisations through its Black History Walks. “2024 marks the 15th anniversary of the Leeds Black History Walk, which thanks to your donation has allowed us to attract more corporate engagements in Leeds with developments of 'City Black History walks', as well as a new Black History walk in Bradford” said Joe Williams, Founder and Director of Heritage Corner. “Being subsidised has really allowed us to create more magic with this work. We're looking to present higher profiled projects next year to commemorate a significant landmark.”
liver’s House ‒ inspiring young people through skills training
Oliver’s House (also known as Oliver’s Village) is a South African NGO focusing on education, early childhood development, food security and enterprise development. Serving local disadvantaged communities in Benoni on the East Rand, their mission is to provide a caring and supportive environment where young people are inspired to learn and are empowered through education and skills training.
RX’s donation in 2023 contributed directly to the running of the Computer Training Centre which offers grade 11 and 12 students, as well as underemployed and disadvantaged people, free access to computer skills training to increase their chances of finding employment. In 2022/23, all 120 students managed to complete the introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses. Some individuals required additional assistance, however through the dedication of Oliver’s House facilitators they all managed to pass with flying colors. In 2024, RX funding will enable the addition of a third classroom, increasing capacity to 180 students per day to meet the demand of students waiting to attend the Computer Training Centre courses.
“Our computer training program is a powerful tool for promoting individual empowerment and addressing inequalities by providing essential skills and access to opportunities,” said Lola Wortley, Director, Planning and Development. “It is therefore with sincere gratitude that we would like to thank RX Global for the profound impact their support is having on our community members, and the opportunities afforded to them.”
Research in Colour Foundation – building a more economically inclusive world
The Research in Color Foundation (RIC) is a US-based, non-profit organisation which is dedicated to increasing the number and retention of racial and ethnic minorities in economics through mentoring and financial support.
“Economics directly influences policies across healthcare, education, criminal justice, and beyond, but economics as a discipline includes disproportionately few people of colour,” RIC’s founder Chinemelu Okafor explained. “When you exclude the viewpoints of marginalised groups, you restrict the range of economic insights available to policy makers, which can perpetuate economic and political disparities in everyday life.”
RX’s 2023 contribution funded scholarships for 25 RIC mentees in economics and economics-adjacent fields, helping the organisation with the first prong of its mission, to improve the number of diverse PhD students in economics and adjacent fields Specifically, we provided $1000 to help support their PhD applications, opening doors for people of colour who may be financially constrained from applying. Our contribution also helped support Research in Color’s programming and administrative costs to keep the organisation alive and running.
For 2024, RX funding will help RIC to achieve the second prong of its mission, which is to improve the retention of diverse PhD students in economics and economics-adjacent fields. This year’s donation will provide $2,500 fellowships to PhD students following their admittance, to make sure they are not overburdened by the costs of moving in their first year, which can be prohibitive. This will mean that RX has successfully supported the mentees throughout the entire lifetime of their PhD application process!