Spotlight on… Sam Thabang, Sales Co-ordinator, South Africa
What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
I could write a whole book, but since we’re on the best, I’d say: “Success is never owned, it is rented, and the rent is due every day.” I even went as far as having it tattooed on my right forearm in the form of an NFL Playbook stencil worn by Quarterbacks in the sport, cause as far as I’m concerned, it’s my everyday go-to play.
If you only had one album to play which one would you choose and why?
Most definitely Styling Gel by Pitch Black Afro. I’d just turned 11, and that one random afternoon in mid-2004 when I came back from school and my Big Sister played that cassette tape for me the first time, my life changed forever…it was the first time I’d ever dabbled with Hip Hop and I’ve been in love with the culture ever since.
What country would you travel to if you could go anywhere?
Wholeheartedly? It would have to be The U.S. No doubt about it!
What do you like most about your job?
When it’s time to execute on site and successfully bring your event to life. Nothing can match the brain rush you get…the fulfilment…it makes you feel a certain way and it’s a feeling I can't do without.
What advice would you give to someone looking to work in events?
Do it because you love it and not out of necessity, the fickleness is not for the faint-hearted.
What attracted you to work at RX?
I was one of those kids who never knew what they wanted to be or do until I was well into my early 20s. Don’t get me wrong, I knew my strengths and weaknesses, but I hadn’t put them to practice yet in an actual work environment. RX then happened and everything clicked into place. Typical but true lol!