Meet our fantastic award winning women at RX
"To speak up against insensitive comments or treatment against gender or race. To allow others to speak their mind and truth. To teach and guide myself the importance of listening. It means women empowerment is celebrated and honoured globally. It means our voices are heard."

"IWD is an opportunity to celebrate women’s equality and emancipation. We are bound to raise awareness to create a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. We want to sit at a table where everyone is free to speak up, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual preferences or disability status and where every point of view is acknowledged and accepted.
We want to give everybody the opportunity to shine for who they are and create a diverse and inclusive environment that recognises everyone is unique and needs different options to reach equity. We #EmbraceEquity on IWD to give a voice to all women that don’t have one and to women that have been suppressed for their voice. We celebrate the achievements of women aiming to create a better future for every little girl to become whom they want to be."

Bridging the security gender gap
Event Director Mary Beth Shaughnessy reflects on the challenges and opportunities for women in security, and how ISC West & ISC East are committed to increasing female representation in the industry by giving women a platform to be seen and heard.
Jenny shared her experiences as a world-renowned social engineer and penetration tester in a keynote address at ISC West 2022, (22-25 March), the first major US security and public safety event for 2022. Her presentation was a high point of the Show, not only for the extraordinary insights she shared into cyber and physical security crime, but for her inspirational presence as a woman in what remains a male-dominated field.
"Purple, green and white are the colours of International Women's Day. We choose purple that signifies justice and dignity and being loyal to the cause. We believe that feminism is not about giving women more authority as women are strong and independent already. The objective is to change people's perceptions of that authority."

Meet some of our women in tech!

Gaby Appleton, Chief Digital Product Officer
"If you are thinking of switching your career to tech I would simply say don’t be scared to take the plunge. Start small or take a sideways move to get started. Traditionally tech has been an area that has lagged in female participation. What's particularly inspiring is the range of experiences women in tech across RELX have had, and how they're fulfilling a variety of roles going well beyond traditional software engineering. I count myself to be one of the lucky ones who joined the product & tech community later in life, so a huge thank you to all the colleagues that helped me get here"

Anecia Johnston, Director of Engineers
"If you’re thinking of switching to a career in tech my first thought would be to determine if an opportunity exists to incorporate some of the technology skills you have or want to develop into you’re your current role. Take any opportunities to build your skills and increase your experience. In larger organisations such as RELX you can also look for opportunities and support for you to be able to make such a transition."

Caroline Goes, Head of Data Products & Digital Data
"The digital event tech I am most excited by is the portfolio of data products we are developing, and I have the honour to lead! RX connects people – at face to face and digital shows, webinars and apps, hosted meetings and marketplaces, and more. At RX I am able and empowered to take actions that will improve equity, support women to progress in their careers, and be welcoming to all in their plural existence. It’s about more than being proud. It’s about working with real purpose!"

"Para mi este día significa cambio y progreso, es un recordatorio de nuestra lucha y reconocimiento de nuestros logros. Tal vez no estamos aún donde quisiéramos estar, pero hemos avanzado muchísimo.
Me encanta la idea que cada día nos sentimos más libres de ser nosotras mismas y más dispuestas a apoyar y empoderar a todas las mujeres de nuestra vida, estamos decididas a seguir abriendo el camino para las mujeres que vienen detrás de nosotras.
Celebro que como empresa estemos priorizando las habilidades de las personas, demostrando que como compañía existe un compromiso de ir por el camino de la equidad."
"For me 8M signifies change and progress, it is a reminder of our struggle and recognition of our achievements. We may not yet be where we would like to be, but we have made great progress. I love the idea that every day we feel free to be ourselves and more willing to support and empower all the women in our lives, we are determined to continue to pave the way for the women who come after us. I am pleased that as a company we are prioritizing people's skills, demonstrating that as a company we are committed to the equity."
Hoy no te voy a felicitar, no hay nada para celebrar. Hoy en cambio, te voy a reconocer. Voy a entender que nuestra sociedad está cambiando y que debemos aceptar, recibir, colaborar y dar la bienvenida a toda aquella persona con la que interactúo a diario.
Hoy, valoro tus capacidades, tus conocimientos, tus aportaciones y te pido que no dejes de estar presente, no dejes de luchar por tus sueños, no pares de crecer ni de aprender.
Hoy también, uno mis manos a las tuyas y a las de toda persona, para apoyarnos y acompañarnos, para crecer juntos, para caminar en una misma dirección que nos haga sumar, aportar y enaltecer la naturaleza de todos. Recuerda siempre que podemos no pensar igual, podemos tener nuestras diferencias de opinión, pero debes saber, que daría mi vida por defender tu derecho a diferir y discernir.
No importa como eres, como vistas, como te muevas, lo que importa eres tú, solo tú. Ven, acércate este y todos los días, se tú. También te pido que me permitas hoy y siempre, ser yo. Con esa autenticidad podremos entonces celebrar y festejar el triunfo de la inclusión, el triunfo de la diversidad, el triunfo de la vida!!!
Today I will not congratulate you, there is nothing to celebrate.
Today instead, I will acknowledge you. I will understand that our society is changing and that we must accept, receive, collaborate and welcome everyone we interact with daily.
Today, I value your capabilities, your knowledge, your contributions and I ask you not to stop being present, not to stop fighting for your dreams, not to stop growing and learning.
Today also, I join my hands to yours and to those of every person, to support and accompany us, to grow together, to walk in the same direction that makes us add, contribute and enhance the nature of all. Always remember that we may not think alike, we may have our differences of opinion, but you should know that I would give my life to defend your right to differ and discern.
No matter how you are, how you dress, how you move, what matters is you, only you. Come, approach this and every day, be you. I also ask you to allow me, today and always, to be me. With this authenticity we can then celebrate and celebrate the triumph of inclusion, the triumph of diversity, the triumph of life!!!

Happy #IWD2023! Across RELX, we actively #ChooseToChallenge gender bias and inequality. We broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women's achievements. Personally, I like to celebrate our achievements. It´s amazing to see how much progress towards equality we made in the last 25 years! It´s a day to remind us about the importance of continue supporting initiatives that drive gender equality and empower women.

Discover how we are supporting equality at RX

Supporting equality at RX

What makes RX an inclusive employer